Certified Business Management Analyst

CBMA is administered by AIBMC (The American Institute for Business Management and Communication) ; one of the most renowned institutes in business management and communications in the United States. By earning CBMA candidates demonstrate that they have mastered the business management body of knowledge, obtained the skills of business analysis, and committed to AIBMC core values and code of ethics.

CBMA Certificate Preparation

If you are studying in order to prepare for the CBMA exam; AIBMC provides candidates with training sessions for many of the exam questions. AIBMC also provide thorough training for the exam modules using its learning system through authorized training providers and prometric centers worldwide.

AIBMC CBMA Recertification

Once you have passed the CBMA exam and received your certificate, you will need to stay up to date on developments in business management practices. To prove you have maintained and updated your business management knowledge and skills, AIBMC requires that you recertify every 4 years. (please refer to recertification for more info)


A passing score on the CBMA Examination.
Bachelor Degree in any field and;
A minimum of two years experience in any related business area (marketing, management, HR, finance, operation, logistics..).
A Minimum of 25 hours of business management approved training.

Exam Format:

The CBMA (Certified Business Management Analyst) examination is a 3-hour exam, 100 multiple-choice questions examinations. The exam is given in booklet form.

Exam Format:

1) Strategic Management Analysis
2) Marketing Management Analysis
3) Leverage Analysis
4) Supply Chain Management Analysis
5) Pricing Analysis
6) Capital Budget Analysis
7) Mergers, Acquisitions, and Business Valuation Analysis
8) Production Planning Analysis
9) Process Analysis
10) Advertising Analysis
11) Manufacturing Management Analysis
12) Value Analysis
13) Manufacturing Operations Analysis
14) Retail Management Analysis
15) Service Management Analysis
16) Cost Analysis
17) Corporate Performance Analysis
18) Financial Management Analysis
19) International Trade and Financing Analysis
20) Project Management Analysis
21) Economic Analysis
22) Cash Flow Analysis
23) Fraud Analysis
24) Quality Analysis
25) Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
26) Divisional Performance Analysis
27) Organizational and General Management Analysis
28) Human Resources Management Analysis
29) Logistics Analysis
30) New product development and product management analysis
31) Sales Analysis
32) Risk Analysis
33) Decision Analysis
34) Operating Budget Analysis
35) Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
36) Control Analysis
37) Customer Analysis
38) Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
39) Productivity Analysis
40) Competitive Analysis