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Centre Of Corporate Studies trainers are master facilitators and true subject matter experts. Our training and consulting topics include most every area of business expertise including: leadership, management, human resource, sales skills, communication skills, presentation skills plus many more.

Our trainers deliver highly interactive sessions that incorporate experiential exercises, cases, discussions, self-assessment and the latest accelerated learning techniques to maximize the transfer of classroom learning to on-the-job application. No matter what style you are looking for, we have the trainer with the business experience and approach that will connect with your team.

Consulting & Advisory

Centre Of Corporate Studies approaches every client's business as if it were our own. We believe a consulting firm should be more than an advisor. We put ourselves in our clients' shoes, align our incentives with their objectives, and collaborate to unlock the full potential of their business. This builds deep and enjoyable relationships.

True Results require tailored solutions not limited by boundaries of departments, industries, geographies, or hierarchies. True Results are pragmatic and action-oriented, enduring and repeatable. This is what we our consulting & advisory services provide.